Thursday, February 03, 2005

Social Security - Think About It...

Think first about retirement:
In roughly what year will you reach retirement age?

Will the stock market be in an up-cycle or a down-cycle that year?

What do you mean you don't know?

If the stock market is down, where will your survival money come from?

Now think about disability:
Does your medical insurance cover treatments, like an organ transplant, that the insurance company considers experimental, even though they've been demonstrated to be effective for many years?

Are you sure you're never going to need a transplant?

If you do need a transplant someday, will the stock market be in an up-cycle or a down-cycle that year?

What do you mean you don't know?

And finally, there's always death:
When are you going to die?

When will your partner or spouse die?

Will the stock market be in an up-cycle or a down-cycle that year?

If the stock market's in a down-cycle that year, what will the survivor do to replace the income from the deceased?

What do you mean you don't know?

The current Social security system safeguards you and your family against the unknown - even when the stock market's in a down-cycle.

The low returns of the current system are intentional. It's the trade-off we make for ensuring a guaranteed insurance payout. If you really want a personal retirement account that's based on the stock market, try an IRA. There are plenty to choose from. You can do that without making everyone else trade in their insurance policies.


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