Monday, November 29, 2004

Who Will Protect Them?

War is hell. That's what some people say when I rail against the wanton death and destruction wrought by mighty fire-power raining down on a weak, helpless people.

War is hell.

As if admitting war is bad somehow makes it OK to have condemned the innocent.

Our kids, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors have been betrayed. They face death or dismemberment, for nothing. They've been ordered to take innocent life, for nothing. They have been betrayed by a government with evil intent. They were sent to kill hundreds of thousands of innocents over oil, or water, or profiteering, or whatever. It really doesn't matter what the ultimate reason was, we know that none of the seemingly "just" causes laid before us as excuses to begin the war were true.

They signed up to protect us, but were sent on a fool's errand instead.

Who will protect them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our kids, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors have been betrayed. They face death or dismemberment, for nothing. They've been ordered to take innocent life, for nothing. They have been betrayed by a government with evil intent.

and you talk about the lies of the right ?

i doubt very much you have kids, parents ,brothers,sisters,aunts ,uncles, cousins,friends or neighbors facing death or dismemberment in this war.
or perhaps you are from iraq yourself and have relatives living there. if that is the case i feel sorry for your loss. otherwise you are a bold face liar.

i assume the gvt with evil intent you are talking about is the united states. it is amazing that you can know a person's intent. what super powers you have ! imagine if we all could be so blessed. you are perhaps the greatest superhero in the world . Batman , Superman , and wonderwoman have nothing on you

11:58 AM  
Blogger carla said...

That previous commentor is ridiculous, IMO.

To pretend that Iraq is anything more than a giant lie is to be a sand entrenched ostrich. No WMD, no ties to Al Qaida, no immediate threat to the US.

And the excuse they use now? Oil For Food and Saddam was killing his people. Well gee...we're squandering the oil revenues and we've killed over 100,000 Iraqis.

The Bush government is a morally bankrupt, ethically challenged cabal.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first anonymous was dead on. The hate speach from the left just never ends . If you dont beleive what they believe you are part of a "cabal"You sound just like the far right you claim to hate.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous . Listening to these anti war nutts talk about how " war is hell " just makes me laugh . Very few of them have actually served . Sure, war is hell. But I can say that from first hand experience. Save the lessons and the rhetoric becouse you have absolutely no idea .

5:25 PM  

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